Jag fick ett rop på hjälp ifrån den fantastiska organisationen Avaaz.org

Urgent: Media Baron Attacks Avaaz!

Dear friends,

Avaaz has come under attack from a major media-mogul.

Huge numbers of Canadian Avaazers recently mobilized against government favours for a new radical-right propaganda network run by the Prime Minister’s former top spin doctor. The media empire behind the network has attacked our community with several smear pieces in their own newspapers, and admitted insider knowledge of a criminal sabotage of our petition. Now the mogul has threatened to sue Avaaz if we don’t take down our campaign within 24 hours!

This is how big corporate power works to silence people’s voices. But Avaaz is a community of almost 6 million people — together we’re far stronger than any corporate bully.

Crony-media and its incestuous combination of unscrupulous politicians and biased reporting is a rising threat to democracy in many countries, from Italy to the US to Australia. Let’s take a stand, and show them their intimidation tactics will only backfire. They’ve given us a 24 hour ultimatum: Let’s donate to give them their answer and keep the fight alive against crony-media across the world:


Democracy is on the march across the world, but anti-democratic interests have figured out a counter-attack: crony-media. When a sitting political leader is teamed up with a massive media empire, they become hard to beat at the polls.

In Italy, Prime Minister Berlusconi controls over 80% of the news channels, and has a major stake in leading newspapers, magazines and publishing. In the US, UK, and Australia, mega-mogul Rupert Murdoch exploits his empire to get sweet deals from politicians, whom he in turn backs for office. His infamous Fox News is the largest cable news network in the US. After President Barack Obama spurned Murdoch and boycotted his propagandistic network, Fox News spawned the radical right Tea Party group, and provided a platform for hate and racism, suggesting that Obama is a terrorist and hates white people.

Many of these media outlets are pushing opinions that poison people’s hearts and polarize our world, threatening democracy and peace. Canada is the latest battle — let’s make it the battle where people-power begins to turns the tide on crony-media. We have 24 hours to win this one — click below to donate:


Part of the promise of the Avaaz movement is our ability to work on the issues that cut across all others. The subversion of democracy by powerful corporate media and their political allies is a threat to all the things we care about, from climate change to poverty to human rights. With our global reach, Avaaz might be one of the only organizations that can fight this rising threat to democracy. We’ve been given a 24 hour challenge — let’s rise to it.

With hope,

Ricken, Luis, Iain, Emma, Alice, Ben, Giulia, Alex and the rest of the Avaaz team.

More information on this below:

Globe and Mail, ”Is Stephen Harper set to move against the Canadian Television Radio and Telecommunications Commission?”:

BBC profile of Silvio Berlusconi:

Newser, “Can the Brits get Rupert?”:

Media Matter, ”Fair and balanced Fox News aggressively promotes ”tea party” protests”:

Tydligen har moguler i Canada och USA börjat attackera en folkets röst. Nästa gång kan det bli Wikileaks, eller kanske partiet TillIT.

Därför följde jag uppmaningen och donerade 10 Euro för en fond som ska säkra alla former av rättsliga attacker från de giriga moguler och styrande som uppenbarligen börjat se ett reellt hot i folkets egen granskande organisation.

Avaaz är direktdemokratiskt styrt av omkring 6 miljoner medlemmar världen över. Vi har uppenbarligen starka krafter att mäta oss med, hjälp Avaaz, och engagera dig också i de svenska direktdemokratiska initiativ som faktiskt börjar växa fram på olika håll.

Nästa gång kan det vara vår tur att tvingas anlita advokater för att kunna utöva vår konstitutionella rätt att bestämma över oss själva.

TilliT till exempel!

Bli medlem, hjälp till i valspurten, prata med alla du kommer åt, detta är Sveriges nya folkrörelse. Riktig demokrati!

Och tag en blank valsedel på söndag, av varje färg, och skriv bara TilliT på den!

Magnus Gustavsson

Medlem i TilliT


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